Birthday Parties
Come party with us!

The need to know
You will get the facility for two hours. Party guests get an hour and 15 minutes in the gym that is filled with games, gymnastics mazes and instruction. After the fun in the gym you will get 45 minutes in the party room for food, cake and presents.

What you need to bring
You will need to bring your own decorations if you chose, food and/or cake of your choice, and you will need to bring your paper and plastic products.
You may arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the party to set up party decorations.
We handle the hosting and clean up!

Cost & Scheduling
The cost of the party is $150 for facility rental and 2 coaches plus $5 per child up to 12 children (Birthday child is free). If you want additional guests its not a problem! For an additional 12 kids is $40 and each child is $5.
To schedule your party, please contact the front desk to verify we have your date available. If your desired date is available you will need to fill out a reservation form and pay the $50 deposit fee.
**Your party is not reserved until the office has received your $50 deposit fee and the completed reservation form.**

Note to Parents
A waiver must be signed by the parent/legal guardian of every child who attends the party. This wavier can be signed the day of the party, but MUST be signed prior to participating. Party guests are NOT allowed back in the gym after they have already gone to the party room. The coach will begin to clean up the party room 5 minutes prior to the end of your party, this will be your signal that your party is coming to an end and this point you should begin to gather your things. This is done so the coach will have ample time to prepare for their next party. Please be considerate of this and end your party on time.
Thank you!!
**Tips for coaches are optional (but GREATLY appreciated.)**